Operating times
When does the the last/first Bus of VNN line in direction Glind, Steinau (Niederelbe)?
Bus Line 1083 operates workdays between 06:03 and 07:15.
WeekdayOperating hours
Monday06:03 - 07:15
Tuesday06:03 - 07:15
Wednesday06:03 - 07:15
Thursday06:03 - 07:15
Friday06:03 - 07:15
When does the the last/first Taxi of NAH.SH|VNN|HVV line in direction Haus am Süderwall, Otterndorf?
Taxi Line AST-1335 operates workdays between 07:40 and 18:10, saturday between 07:40 and 18:10.
WeekdayOperating hours
Monday07:40 - 18:10
Tuesday07:40 - 18:10
Wednesday07:40 - 18:10
Thursday07:40 - 18:10
Friday07:40 - 18:10
Saturday07:40 - 18:10