
Schwege Mattews, Glandorf

  • Bus


Operating times

When does the the last/first Bus of NWL line


in direction Westendorf Lagestraße, Glandorf?

Bus Line 434 operates workdays between 07:32 and 07:55.

WeekdayOperating hours

Monday07:32 - 07:55

Tuesday07:32 - 07:55

Wednesday07:32 - 07:55

Thursday07:32 - 07:55

Friday07:32 - 07:55

When does the the last/first Bus of NWL line


in direction Averfehrden Mennemann, Glandorf?

Bus Line 433 operates workdays between 06:40 and 09:09.

WeekdayOperating hours

Monday06:40 - 09:09

Tuesday06:40 - 09:09

Wednesday06:40 - 09:09

Thursday06:40 - 09:09

Friday06:40 - 09:09

When does the the last/first Bus of NWL line


in direction Schierloh Schierloher Weg, Glandorf?

Bus Line 435 monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday between 06:34 and 09:08, friday between 07:29 and 09:08, .

WeekdayOperating hours

Monday06:34 - 09:08

Tuesday06:34 - 09:08

Wednesday06:34 - 09:08

Thursday06:34 - 09:08

Friday07:29 - 09:08

When does the the last/first Bus of NWL|VGM|VOS line


in direction Rathaus, Lienen?

Bus Line B4 operates workdays between 08:15 and 17:16.

WeekdayOperating hours

Monday08:15 - 17:16

Tuesday08:15 - 17:16

Wednesday08:15 - 17:16

Thursday08:15 - 17:16

Friday08:15 - 17:16