Operating times
When does the the last/first Bus of VLP line in direction Gaishofen, Windorf?
Bus Line 6 operates workdays between 23:30 and 23:47.
WeekdayOperating hours
Monday23:30 - 23:47
When does the the last/first Bus of VLP line in direction Breitaich Wh, Windorf?
RUF 8167
Bus Line RUF 8167 monday between 09:32 and 20:03, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday between 09:22 and 21:13, saturday between 09:22 and 21:13 as well as Sundays and on public holidays between between 07:02 and 20:13.
WeekdayOperating hours
Monday09:32 - 20:03
Tuesday09:22 - 21:13
Wednesday09:22 - 21:13
Thursday09:22 - 21:13
Friday09:22 - 21:13
Saturday09:22 - 21:13
Sunday07:02 - 20:13